#28P2019 - Staples genuine
Part Number
Also Known As
Staples - Genuine
Infoprint 1130, 1140, 1332, 1352, 1372 series printers - Staple Cartridge - w/Staples (3/package) (9,000 Staples / Cartridge)
This product also works in these machines:
- IBM - 4520-001 (ip 1120)
- IBM - 4520-d01 (ip 1120d)
- IBM - 4520-dn1 (ip 1120dn)
- IBM - 4520-n01 (ip 1120n)
- IBM - 4525-001 (ip1125)
- IBM - 4525-dn1 (ip1125dn)
- IBM - 4525-n01 (ip1125n)
- IBM - 4527-001 (ip1332)
- IBM - 4528-001 (ip1352)
- IBM - 4529-001 (ip1372)
- IBM - 4530-001 (ip1130)
- IBM - 4530-dn1 (ip1130dn)
- IBM - 4530-in1 (ip1130in)
- IBM - 4530-n01 (ip1130n)
- IBM - 4540-001 (ip1140)
- IBM - 4540-dn1 (ip1140dn)
- IBM - 4540-in1 (ip1140in)
- IBM - 4540-n01 (ip1140n)
- IBM - 4920-001 (ip Color 1220)
- IBM - 4920-n01 (ip Color 1220n)
- IBM - 4921-001 (ip Color 1354)
- IBM - 4921-n07 (ip Color 1354l)
- IBM - 4929-n01 (ip Color 1654)
- IBM - 53p7795 (ip Clr 1354n)
- IBM - 53p7796 (ip Clr 1354dn)
- IBM - 53p7985 (ip Clr 1354)
- IBM - 75p6225 (ip Color 1464n)
- IBM - 75p6226 (ip Color 1464dn)
- IBM - Finisher S
- IBM - Finisher T
- IBM - Infoprint 1120
- IBM - Infoprint 1120 D
- IBM - Infoprint 1120 Dn
- IBM - Infoprint 1120 M
- IBM - Infoprint 1120 Mi
- IBM - Infoprint 1120 Mix
- IBM - Infoprint 1120 Mn
- IBM - Infoprint 1120 N
- IBM - Infoprint 1125
- IBM - Infoprint 1125 Dn
- IBM - Infoprint 1125 M
- IBM - Infoprint 1125 Mi
- IBM - Infoprint 1125 Mix
- IBM - Infoprint 1125 Mn
- IBM - Infoprint 1125 N
- IBM - Infoprint 1130
- IBM - Infoprint 1130 Dn
- IBM - Infoprint 1130 In
- IBM - Infoprint 1130 M
- IBM - Infoprint 1130 Mi
- IBM - Infoprint 1130 Mix
- IBM - Infoprint 1130 Mn
- IBM - Infoprint 1130 N
- IBM - Infoprint 1140
- IBM - Infoprint 1140 Dn
- IBM - Infoprint 1140 In
- IBM - Infoprint 1140 M
- IBM - Infoprint 1140 Mi
- IBM - Infoprint 1140 Mix
- IBM - Infoprint 1140 Mn
- IBM - Infoprint 1140 N
- IBM - Infoprint 1332
- IBM - Infoprint 1332 L
- IBM - Infoprint 1332 Ln
- IBM - Infoprint 1332 N
- IBM - Infoprint 1352
- IBM - Infoprint 1352 N
- IBM - Infoprint 1372
- IBM - Infoprint 1372 N
- IBM - Infoprint 1552
- IBM - Infoprint 1572 N
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1220
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1220n
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1354
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1354 L Dn
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1354 L N
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1354dn
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1354n
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1357
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1357n
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1464dn
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1464n
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1567
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1567n
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1654
- IBM - Infoprint Color 1664
This is a new IBM supply item and also carries the IBM supply warranty as well. Using new IBM manufactured products can reduce wear & tear on your machine while maintaining the high level of output you expect from your equipment.