Answers to the most common questions below:
We do our best to provide you with great customer service. Feel free to call or email us if you're not finding the
info you are looking for below. Please help us improve our site with your opinion, suggestions, or comments.
You can email Customer Service at custsrv@tonsoftoner.com
- What payment methods do you accept?
- PayPal, Mastercard, Visa, American Express
- Can I place an order with a PO?
- Yes, we accept PO's from Government Agencies
- Do you offer net 30 terms?
- Yes, based upon pre-approval
- Do you accept International credit cards?
- We do not accept international credit cards at this time
- Is my order secure?
- Yes, all orders are secure
- How do I get a copy of my online receipt?
- Please email custsrv@tonsoftoner.com
- How do I cancel an order?
- Please email custsrv@tonsoftoner.com
- Can I email, fax, or call in my order?
- Yes, you can order by any of these methods
- Do you have a minimum size order?
- $30 is our mininum order before shipping
- What are your shipping cut-off times?
- Cut off times vary by warehouses; please email custsrv@tonsoftoner.com
- to confirm
- Do I need to setup an account?
- What if I forget my login or password?
- How do I change my password?
- What is "My frequent items"?
- You can add items that you order frequently to this list
- What is "My machines"?
- You can add your machines to this list to make it easy to order
- Who is Laser Grafix?
- Laser-Grafix is our corporate name
- How long have you been in business?
- We have been in business since 1989
- Is your facility a retail location?
- We are currently an online business only at this time